Sexual Harassment Training Seminars in Kansas


Workplace harassment continues to be a major issue that impacts employees across all industries. In Kansas, state and federal laws prohibit harassment and discrimination in the workplace based on protected characteristics such as Age, racial background, and gender, disability, religion, and others Kansas employers are responsible for providing a safe, respectful working environment free from unlawful discrimination and harassment. One way they can help accomplish this is by conducting regular harassment training seminars.


Wichita, Kansas

What is Sexual Harassment?

Workplace harassment refers to unwelcome behavior, whether verbal, physical or visual, that is based on a protected characteristic. This can include offensive jokes, slurs, intimidation, physical assaults or threats, ridicule or mockery, insults or put-downs, offensive objects or pictures, and interference with work performance. Harassment becomes unlawful when 1) enduring the offensive conduct becomes a condition of continued employment or 2) the conduct is severe or pervasive enough to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive

Kansas and Federal Anti-Harassment Laws

Both Kansas and federal law prohibit workplace harassment under the Kansas Act Against Discrimination and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Employers can be held liable for unlawful harassment perpetrated by supervisors and managers. They can also be liable for harassment between co-workers if they knew about the harassment and failed to take appropriate corrective action. Key Kansas statutes related to workplace harassment and discrimination include:

  • Kansas Act Against Discrimination (KAAD)
  • Kansas Age Discrimination in Employment Act
  • Pregnancy Discrimination Prohibited Act

By conducting thorough harassment training, employers can better understand their obligations and employees can better understand their rights and responsibilities.


  • Providing periodic workplace harassment training serves several important functions:
  • Ensures a common understanding of illegal harassment and the behaviors that contribute to a hostile work environment
  • Communicates the organization’s policies, reporting procedures, and commitment to a safe, respectful workplace
  • Educates supervisors and managers on how to recognize and handle harassment issues
  • Train employees on how to respond in the event they witness or experience disrespectful or harassing behaviors
  • Helps mitigate employer liability in the event that an employee files a harassment lawsuit

By investing time into harassment prevention training, employers signal to employees that they take these issues seriously. For training to be truly effective, it must go beyond merely reviewing policies and must include interactive discussions and situational examples relevant to the specific workplace. Refresher training should be provided on a regular basis.

Delivering Impactful Training in Kansas

When conducting workplace harassment training in Kansas, key considerations include:

  • Ensuring training complies with Kansas’s annual training requirement for supervisors
  • Adapting training content to resonate with employees across different generations and cultures
  • Providing Kansas-specific information such as state harassment laws and local support resources
  • Having senior leaders introduce and participate in the training to demonstrate organizational commitment
  • Providing straightforward procedures for reporting incidents of harassment
  • Following up with additional guidance for managers on investigating complaints

By taking steps to prevent workplace harassment through ongoing education, Kansas employers can foster inclusive work environments where all employees feel valued and empowered to reach their full potential. Committing to harassment prevention demonstrates social responsibility and reflects positively on the organization’s culture and employer brand.

Kansas cities providing onsite Sexual Harassment training seminars:

Wichita: Hyatt Regency
400 W Waterman St, Wichita, KS 67202

Overland Park: Hilton Hotel
7400 West Frontage Road, Merriam, Kansas, 66203, USA

Kansas City: Hilton Hotel
1329 Baltimore, Kansas City, Missouri, 64105, USA