MVP Business Training Seminars That Work
MVP helps employees and your organization achieve greater success with a holistic approach including onsite training, on-demand modules, live online courses or webinars and an array of innovative corporate training solutions.
Business Training Can Be Quantified
An employee earning $50,000 per year who is unproductive only one hour per day costs your organization $6,250 per year. Employers with 25 employees involved in an effective training program increase their return to the organization at more than $156,250 yearly. (not including other benefits to the organization such as profitability, reduced turnover, improved morale, enhanced teamwork, better customer service, greater creativity, lost opportunity etc.) Over five years, the payback is over $781,250 (Source: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore).
Research shows that 70% of employees in the United States are disengaged costing companies $300-500 billion annually.
Employees report up to 5 hours a day of wasted unproductive time.
We have Customized Answers!
Employee Training Development for Managers, Supervisors and Employees. Every MVP trainer will customize their presentation to fit your organization’s business training needs, unique culture and business objectives.
Customized On-Site Training
Every MVP trainer will fully customize their topic to your organization’s objectives, culture, and issues at no additional charge! You simply tell our trainer your objectives and your goals for the business training. They will listen, outline their notes and design a game-plan specific to your organization’s needs.
About MVP Seminars Business Trainers
Our business trainers are not only skilled speakers but have topic-specific academic degrees from top-notch universities, not online coaching schools or other diploma mills. They are industry-recognized experts and, most importantly, bring years of practical experience and humor to every seminar. Browse by topic and review our trainers’ biographies, locations, course outlines and customer reviews.
Selecting your MVP Seminars Trainer
We work with you to develop your employee training and development plan. Contact us for availability, performance videos and fees. We will respond to your request within 24 hours.
Most Requested Training Topics:
Business Writing and Grammar
This seminar is designed to create clear and error-free written material. Given the importance of today’s essential electronic communication, it is imperative that business documents be written concisely while eliminating embarrassing grammar errors. Quality writing & grammar skills are like enjoying an excellent vocabulary, you will gain immediate respect and credibility, while your reputation as a business professional will flourish.
Stress Management
This business seminar is all about handling life and stress in corporate America. No punches are pulled, we discuss real-life strategies and proven coping skills, for achieving balance in a variety of areas. We’re do not sell books, or give worn out canned advice, but give you a toolbox which helps you understand stress, it’s causes and effects. Next, will learn a variety of proven solutions to deal with the dangerous behavioral and emotional issues that unwanted stress creates, i.e., wt. gain, attitude problems, substance abuse, etc, etc. Bottom line……. You will be firmly in charge of your life & career, be much happier, and make more money!
Sexual Harassment Training- AB1825 and AB2053 in California or By State
(Required by Law in California, Massachusetts & Connecticut) This certification & prevention seminar is designed to keep your company’s work environment free of discrimination and sexual harassment of all types and in compliance with both state and federal laws. You will understand the issues, laws, and how to keep your company out of court. Certification Diplomas issued after course completion. View detailed information about MVP Seminars Sexual Harassment Training
Best Practices in Customer Service
It costs five times more to get a customer in the front door as it does to keep one. Apply strategies that retain your valuable customer base and earn repeat business. Topics include resolving complaints, managing verbal and nonverbal communication, critical thinking and problem solving and steps for defusing angry customers.
This business seminar provides the key to establishing “nuts & bolts” customer service with even the most difficult customers. We believe that customer service, like sales, is a craft and constantly needs to be honed and reinforced. The quality of customer service you give the customer, more than any other factor, determines the level of satisfaction & approval they give your organization. Very serious business, & not to be taken lightly. It is very clear, that positive customer service, relates directly to the profits of your company.
Productivity and Time Management Skills
This business seminar identifies and will help you overcome barriers to personal productivity in all areas. Workplace organization, personal life distractions, interruptions, and time management issues are just a few of the many areas covered. Generally too much to do, and not enough time to do it. We cover best practices for how to stay organized throughout the workday, no matter how much work piles up on you. You will leave understanding many powerful correcting tools and effective use of technology to help you become more effective and productive. Hour by hour, you’ll experience less stress, and accomplish more.
Effective Communication
This business training seminar covers the essentials of both verbal and nonverbal communication, and how to overcome your personal communication challenges. You will fully understand the ins and outs of inter-personal communication, i.e., artful persuasion techniques, corporate politics/meetings, and how to create a polished style with poise and confidence when communicating with others.
Business Law “101”(Fundamentals of business law for non-lawyers
What you don’t know about business law can hurt you and your company. More than a quarter of US employers have been sued by an employee. This preventive in-depth business seminar taught in non-legal language will bolster frontline managers and supervisors with the knowledge they need to comply with employment laws and regulations. Among the most common lawsuits are wrongful termination, performance appraisal review, hiring & firing, and Sexual Harassment, etc. Bottom line………, this course will keep your company out of court!
Team-Building “Motivation” Is Integral To Success”
Presented by Bill Walsh, former head coach of the San Francisco 49ers and 3-time Super Bowl Champion. This business seminar will teach you the same skills and techniques used by the great NFL coaches. You will learn to master these techniques and become a team leader who inspires top-notch achievement, while calmly settling disarrangements and conflicts among team members. Essential course material for all corporate employees who work as a team.
Management & Leadership Skills
How Leaders Inspire, Influence and Achieve Results. Leadership seminars cover how to adopt and implement the traits and attributes of top leaders. Real-life case histories will be presented and discussed, i.e., through business, political, military, martial arts, and sports role models. Examine styles, some good and some bad. You will learn to establish professional credibility, set realistic goals, motivate team members, and command with authority. Like the legendary martial arts book by Sun Tzu, ” The Art Of War ” you will fight, win, gain respect from your adversary, & manage with confidence & authority. Essential course for any corporate manager.
Finance & Accounting (Course designed for non-bean counters)
This business training seminar will teach you the universal language of business, the importance of numbers and how to evaluate your hard work as a manager or supervisor. Your success basically hinges on your ability to understand and evaluate numbers quickly and fluently. This course will prepare you to make smarter, better-informed, and quantitative business decisions.
MVP’s training and development model
Let us help you select the right training or create a corporate university! We can help you customize your corporate training programs and offer the right fit of business trainers and keynote speakers that meet your objectives.